Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar has instructed officials to remain vigilant until the flood threat in Godavari recedes. Due to heavy rains, Brooks, bends, ponds, streams, and the Godavari river are overflowing. Minister Puvvada monitored the flood surge from the Godavari bridge and pond embankment in Bhadrachalam. He later held a review meeting with various officials to discuss the situation.
The minister stated that the flood situation would remain severe for the next 48 hours. He urged the government machinery to carry out their tasks while keeping an eye on water levels. Many areas in the district are experiencing overflowing floodwaters on roads and low-level bridges, making transportation dangerous. The minister requested the police to deploy personnel at Palvancha-Bhadrachalam Nagaram Kinnerasani Bridge to block traffic until the situation improves.
Minister Puvvada appealed to the public to cooperate with the government and only venture out in case of emergencies. He instructed officials to be prepared to evacuate people to safety when necessary and provide them with proper accommodation and facilities at rehabilitation centers. He also emphasized the importance of utilizing the services of NDRF teams for emergency services and ensuring that rescue teams managed by industries in the district are available. The minister stressed the need for coordination among authorities and preemptive measures to prevent any loss of life or property.