Renuka Chowdhury recently filed her nomination for the Rajya Sabha, representing the Congress party. She was accompanied by Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, AICC Telangana in-charge Deepadas Munshi, and other ministers when she submitted her papers in Hyderabad.
Renuka Chowdhury started her political career with the Telugu Desam Party in 1984 and has a history of serving in the Rajya Sabha. This will be her sixth time participating in parliamentary elections, having previously served as an MP for two terms.
The Congress party’s decision to nominate Renuka for the Rajya Sabha helps avoid competition for the Khammam Lok Sabha ticket. With multiple senior leaders vying for the seat, the party hopes to secure victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections after performing well in the recent Assembly selection.
Renuka has expressed her intention to contest the upcoming parliamentary polls for the Khammam seat, competing against other prominent candidates like Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramaka’s wife Nandini and businessman V Rajendra Prasad. Following Renuka’s nomination for the Rajya Sabha, party leaders are now focusing on filling the remaining posts.