Karimnagar celebrated Ugadi, the Telugu New Year, with joy and religious ceremonies. People decorated their homes, wore new clothes, and prepared special dishes like Ugadi Pachadi and Bakshalu. Panchanga Shravana was conducted by Vedic pandits at the Shakti Mata temple, predicting a year of new beginnings and good fortune.
BC Welfare Minister Ponnam Prabhakar and IT Minister Duddilla Sridhar Babu attended similar ceremonies in different towns. BJP MP candidate Bandi Sanjay Kumar joined the Panchanga Shravanam event at Sri Mahashakti Temple. Sri Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swami led a celebration with other political figures like BRS Karimnagar MP candidate Vinod Kumar.
The priests at the temple predicted a year of prosperity and good rains for farmers. The celebrations brought people together to welcome the new year with hope and positivity.