The Indian Red Cross Society organized a medical camp at Veera Brahmananda Swamy Ashram in Karimnagar on Saturday. The camp was specifically for 48 elderly people. Blood tests and urine tests were conducted for those with chronic diseases, and they were provided with medicines and fruits. The event was led by Chairman P Keshav Reddy, Secretary Utkuri Radhakrishna Reddy, treasurer P Srihari Reddy, and Dr. MLN Reddy. The local CDPO also attended the event. The elderly people expressed their happiness with the services of the Indian Red Cross Society and the technicians staff. The society has always been at the forefront of providing services to the elderly and orphans in emergency situations in remote areas with their mobile medical unit. Sepelli Veeramadhav, the ashram organizer, thanked the Indian Red Cross Society.
Red Cross hosts medical camp at retirement facility
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