Hyderabad: Minister for Roads & Buildings, Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, has asked the central government to quickly approve necessary permissions to speed up the work on the Regional Ring Road (RRR). He met with Anurag Jain, the Secretary of the Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH), in Delhi. The Minister urged him to prioritize a meeting of the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) and invite tenders to expedite the Nalgonda bypass road project.
During his meeting with Anurag Jain at the MoRTH office in Delhi, Reddy highlighted that the land acquisition for the RRR was nearly complete. He emphasized that it was now up to the central government to approve the necessary permissions so that tenders could be invited and work could be accelerated.
The Minister also discussed the lack of a Foot Over Bridge (FoB) on NH-565 in Nalgonda town, which has been causing difficulties for school children. This issue had been previously raised with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) by the school children, and the PMO had responded positively.
Despite the State Public Works Department allocating Rs 9 crore for the FoB, work has not yet started due to delays by the SFC, which has not held a meeting to clear the permissions. Following their meeting, the R&B Ministry informed the MoRTH Secretary that an SFC meeting would be held within a week.
The Minister also requested Anurag Jain to expedite the process of converting 16 State Highways into National Highways, which had been identified earlier. The meeting was attended by R&B special secretary D Harichandana and other state officials.