Hyderabad Minister KTR made a prediction that TPCC chief Revanth Reddy has joined BJP. He also predicted that MLAs who won from Congress will switch to BJP. Minister KTR inaugurated double bedroom houses in Shadnagar, Rangareddy district. During the inauguration, he criticized the Congress for not doing anything for the people while they were in power and now making impractical promises. He accused Revanth of trying to lure people with false promises. Minister KTR urged people to defeat fraud with fraud and vote for BRS.
Minister KTR also spoke about the BJP, stating that they receive a lot of money from Adani. He advised people to reject both Congress and BJP and take money instead. He encouraged people to vote for BRS, highlighting the Rythu Bandhu, Kalyana Lakshmi, and Shaadi Mubarak schemes implemented by BRS. Minister KTR mentioned that significant progress has been made in the past nine years.