Karimnagar: Ravinder Rao, the chairman of the Karimnagar District Cooperative Central Bank (DCCB), praised the bank’s employees for their hard work and dedication. The bank recently received national recognition and won the prestigious National Federation of State Cooperative Banks limited (NAFSCOB)’s All-India second best DCCB and first best DCCB awards for its performance in the financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Rao expressed his gratitude to the employees and stated that the bank’s success is a result of their teamwork. The employees felicitated Rao at the bank’s main office in Karimnagar town.
Rao mentioned that the KDCCB achieved the awards based on its overall performance in various areas. He acknowledged that winning the NAFSCOB awards for the seventh consecutive time is a significant achievement and attributed it to the teamwork of the KDCCB. He also acknowledged the contributions of the bank’s managing committee, PACS, presidents, and employees.
Rao highlighted the bank’s journey from being a loss-making institution in 2005 to becoming a role model in the country through winning multiple national awards. He recognized the role played by former general managers Bhanu Prasad and Mallaiah in setting the bank on the right path. He also commended DCCB CEO N Satyanarayana Rao for his commitment and dedication in leading the bank towards progress.
Rao emphasized the importance of staying updated with technology and adapting to changing times. He stated that technological advancements require banks to embrace change.
The event was attended by director and former MLA V Mohan Reddy, Vemulawada PACS chairman A Tirupathi Reddy, CEO N Satyanarayana Rao, PACS development centre resource person G Satyanarayana, and bank union leaders G Hanumantha Rao, Lavanya, Srikanth, among others.