A team of doctors from SVS Medical College in Mahabubnagar successfully saved the life of a 67-year-old man who had a tumor in his lungs. The man had been experiencing difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and weight loss for over a month. Even after visiting various hospitals, his condition did not improve.
Dr. Venkateswara Reddy Tummuru, a professor in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at SVS Medical College Hospital, recommended a chest X-ray for the patient. The X-ray showed that the patient’s left lung had collapsed. Considering the patient’s age and history of smoking, it was suspected that the collapse was due to an underlying malignancy. A CT chest scan confirmed this suspicion, revealing a large mass obstructing the left mainstem bronchus and blocking the airway completely.
To treat the patient, the doctors decided to perform a flexible bronchoscopy, which is an advanced medical procedure. During the procedure, they were able to visualize the airways in real time and conduct a biopsy. After a thorough examination, with the assistance of the anesthesia team, the doctors performed a “Rigid Bronchoscopy Guided Debulking” procedure to remove the tumor and save the patient’s life.
The operation was supported by Professor and HoD, Anesthesia, Dr. Rama Krishna, and Dr. Ayathullah, Professor, Anesthesia. Other doctors who played a role in the operation included Assistant Prof Dr. Nithin Reddy, Dr. Vinay, Dr. Siddiq, Dr. Suma, Dr. Anudeep, Dr. Srivani, Dr. Snigdha, Dr. Saranya, Dr. Akhil, and Dr. Navyasree.