Candidates from different parties in the Rajendranagar constituency have begun filing nominations for the upcoming elections. However, there is not much excitement among the general public, who are upset with politicians and officials for their lack of accountability. Only party activists, daily-wage laborers, unemployed youth, and media personnel attend these political events in hopes of receiving some financial benefits.
The majority of voters in Rajendranagar, Shamshabad, and Gandipet are expressing their dissatisfaction with corrupt politicians and officials. They are particularly concerned about land mafia and syndicates encroaching on government lands and water bodies, as well as the growth of unauthorized ventures and commercial establishments. The benefits of government schemes have not reached the people, and their sufferings have been ignored for years. Even parks are not safe from encroachment in many colonies. For example, in Shastripuram Colony, an open plot meant for a playground has been taken over by landsharks to build an illegal venture right under the nose of GHMC officials. Open plots allocated for public amenities in the colony are also being diverted or encroached upon.
In addition to these issues, a railway halt at Uddamgadda was closed two years ago, cutting off an important road link between Mailardevpally and Shastripuram. This closure has caused numerous shops to shut down, resulting in a loss of business for the locals. Despite their efforts to demand completion of the work and reopening of the route, officials have shown little empathy for the hardships faced by the residents.
The situation in Gandipet mandal is no different. Government lands, water bodies, and community parks are being encroached upon, and illegal ventures are becoming commonplace. The collusion between landgrabbers, officials, and politicians has weakened the civic system.
Residents are frustrated with the lack of benefits from government schemes. They have witnessed others receiving benefits during government programs, but none of it has reached their neighboring or surrounding areas. This has left them wondering who is actually benefiting from these schemes.
Similar grievances are being voiced in Shamshabad mandal. People feel that they have only heard about government schemes without experiencing any real benefits. They struggle to afford basic necessities like fuel and food while their earning capacity remains stagnant. They feel abandoned by those in power and have no one to turn to for help.