Netflix has renewed the Indian adaptation of the American crime drama series Ray Donovan for a second season. Rana Naidu features the characters Rana and Naga and their dysfunctional family dynamic, with dark twists and high-octane turns. Tanya Bami, Series Head of Netflix India, said that Rana Naidu has been a great way to end the first quarter of 2023, and that the series has enthralled fans in India and around the world. The dynamic cast, headlined by Rana and Venkatesh Daggubati, and supported by Surveen Chawla, Sushant Singh, Abhishek Banerjee, and Ashish Vidyarthi, have been lauded for their performances. Producer Sunder Aaron of Locomotive Global said that Rana Naidu’s success is a testament to the power of strong characters and authentic storytelling.
Rana Naidu, starring Venkatesh and Rana, renewed by Netflix for a second season
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