Kamareddy BJP MLA Katipally Venkata Ramana Reddy, who defeated the chief minister and TPCC chief, believes that the BJP will become the ruling party in Telangana in the next elections. He expressed this opinion while talking to the media in Hanumakonda. He also mentioned that the BJP candidate, Gujjula Premender Reddy, is likely to win the Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Graduates Constituency.
According to Venkata Ramana Reddy, the BJP has been growing stronger in Telangana and urged graduates to trust the party, especially in terms of providing employment opportunities. He highlighted that the BJP had fulfilled its promise of job creation that was made before the 2014 elections.
Venkata Ramana Reddy encouraged party members to work hard and communicate with graduates about the efforts of the Narendra Modi Government to develop the country. Several BJP leaders, including Rao Padma, Muralidhar Goud, Kondeti Sridhar, and Azmeera Sitaram Naik, were present at the event along with other party members in Warangal.