Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela are expecting their first child soon and to celebrate the occasion, Upasana’s sisters Anushpala Kamineni and Sindhoori threw a fun baby shower party for the couple in Dubai recently. The couple was adorned in white casuals and celebrated the event with their loved ones on the beachside. Upasana shared a video from the baby shower on Instagram on Wednesday, April 5, expressing her gratitude for all the love and thanking her sisters for the best baby shower.
Ram Charan and Upasana got married in June 2012 in Hyderabad and celebrated their tenth anniversary last year. Upasana is currently the Vice Chairperson of Corporate Social Responsibility at Apollo Hospitals.
Ram Charan’s fanbase is still riding high on the massive international success of his last Telugu blockbuster, RRR, directed by SS Rajamouli. In the movie, Ram Charan along with actor Jr NTR had shaken a leg to the popular song ‘Naatu Naatu’, which went on to win the 95th Academy Award for best original song. He recently made a special appearance in a song ‘Yentamma’ from a Bollywood movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside the film’s leads Salman Khan, Venkatesh Daggubati, and Pooja Hegde.