A rally organised by the Bharatiya Janata Party in Nizamabad city was stopped by the police near the bus stand. The BJP leaders and workers were taken to Nizamabad 4th Police Station and later released by the police. The rally was held to demand a case of sedition be registered against a man who allegedly burnt the national flag at Gandhi Chowk in Nizamabad city. BJP leaders had an altercation with the police near the bus stand after which they were taken into custody.
Dhanpal Suryanarayana from the BJP condemned the arrests and asked police to stop working as activists. He warned that strict action will be taken against them when the BJP government is formed after six months. He demanded that a case of sedition should be registered against the man who burnt the national flag. Suryanarayana warned that he would call for a “bandh” in Nizamabad town on Sunday if a case was not registered. He alleged that Nizamabad is being made a preparation and training center for terrorists.
Many BJP leaders attended the rally, including Assembly Convener Panchayat Lingam District Chief Secretary Pothankar Lakshminarayana, Municipal Floor Leaders “Dopidi” Sravanti Reddy, and District Vice Presidents Nagolla Lakshminarayana, Panchareddy Sridhar, Illendula Prabhakar, Burgula Vinod, Mettuvijay, Bussapur Shankar, Sanjay, Purohit Kaiser. Representatives of large-scale Hindu organisations also participated.