The Meteorological Department has announced that the southwest monsoon has reached Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh and is expected to enter Telangana in the next couple of days. A surface circulation has formed under the influence of south-westerly winds near the coasts of South West Bay of Bengal, Coastal Andhra, and North Tamil Nadu, leading to rainfall in Telangana today and tomorrow.
Rains arrival preceded the south-west monsoon, causing flooding in areas such as Musheerabad, Chikkadapally, Kavadiguda, Domalaguda, Uppal, Ramanthapur, Bodupal, Medipally, Kuthbullapur, Suchitra, Kompally, Chinthal, Suraram, Boinagar, and Boinapally. Many drainages have overflowed, with floodwaters reaching low-lying areas and causing inconvenience to passengers.
The authorities are closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary measures to ensure the safety of residents in the affected areas.