Congress leader Rahul Gandhi recently visited Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where he was seen participating in a tribal dance with members of the Toda tribal community in Muthunadu village near Ooty. A video captured the moment, showing him dressed in the traditional attire of the community.
Gandhi arrived in Coimbatore on a morning flight from Delhi and then visited his parliamentary constituency, Wayanad. This was his first trip to Wayanad after being reinstated as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha.
Commenting on Gandhi’s visit to Wayanad, VT Siddique, the Working President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, said that preparations were underway to give him a warm welcome. Gandhi would be present for a district Congress Committee meeting during his stay.
In a previous rally in Rajasthan, Gandhi praised the social security initiatives of the state government while criticizing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for promoting division and animosity. He expressed concern over the situation in Manipur and called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take action to quell the unrest.
Gandhi’s future plans include a tour of Europe in September, where he will engage with European Union Parliamentarians and members of the Indian diaspora.