A Congress worker in Kolkata celebrated the party’s win in the Karnataka Assembly elections with a portrait of senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the background. The Congress victory in Karnataka was aided by anti-incumbency against the BJP government, a campaign against corruption, guarantees of dole, and consolidation of Muslim votes. Rahul Gandhi said that the strength of the poor has defeated the power of crony capitalists, and the Congress party raised people’s issues and ran a positive campaign.
It’s unclear how much this victory will help the Congress party emerge as a leading opposition coalition in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. While opposition parties are happy about the BJP’s defeat, it’s too early to say whether they’ll agree to come together on one platform and let Congress lead them. BRS is unwilling to accept such a proposal, and Mamata has her own reservations.
According to analysts, Karnataka has a history of not voting for the same party for two consecutive terms. The Congress party’s all-out attack on the BJP government over corruption allegations with the “40 per cent commission sarkar” barb also helped them win by a landslide.
Party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi hailed the Congress party’s performance in the Karnataka assembly polls as a victory of politics that unites the country.