The Rachakonda Police have solved the case of a missing woman, Smt. Putta Venkata Madhavi, aged 35, who was reported missing on January 18, 2025. After a detailed investigation and analysis of evidence, police arrested her husband, Putta Guru Murthy, aged 39, for her murder.
Madhavi’s mother, Kuppala Subbamma, had filed a complaint stating that her daughter lived with her husband and two children in Jillelaguda village. On January 16, 2025, an argument between Madhavi and her husband led her to leave home in distress. Despite the family’s efforts to find her, Madhavi remained missing.
As part of their investigation, police reviewed CCTV footage from January 15, which showed Madhavi and Guru Murthy entering their home together. However, there was no footage of Madhavi leaving after that, sparking concerns about her safety. When questioned, Guru Murthy confessed to the crime.
Guru Murthy admitted that during a heated argument on January 16, he struck Madhavi, causing her to collapse. In a fit of rage, he strangled her to death. Afterward, he attempted to hide his actions by dismembering her body with a knife and trying to dispose of the remains by boiling and burning them.
Following his confession, the police changed the case from a missing person inquiry to a murder investigation. They charged Guru Murthy under sections 103(1), 238, and 85 BNS. Several items used in the crime, including a kitchen knife and stove, were seized as evidence.
The investigation was led by Shri. G. Sudheer Babu, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Rachakonda, with support from the LB Nagar Zone law enforcement team. Detectives from the Meerpet police station were praised for their quick and thorough work, and officials are considering awards for their efforts.
This tragic case highlights the importance of swift police action in missing person cases and sheds light on the dangers of domestic violence. Authorities urge anyone experiencing abuse or violence to seek help and report their situation to prevent similar tragedies.