The Transport Minister, Puvvada Ajay Kumar, has accused the central government of planning to privatize Singareni completely. A Maha Dharna programme was held in Kothagudem against the Central Government’s decision to auction the coal mines in Singareni. The district MPs, MLAs, MLC, and a large number of party leaders and workers took part in the Maha Dharna. Speaking at the event, Puvvada Ajay Kumar criticized the BJP-led Central government for its actions. He stated that Singareni is not just a company but a gold mine for Telangana state. Despite repeated appeals from the Telangana government to stop Singareni’s privatization efforts, the Center has brought the mining auction process to the fore once again. Puvvada demanded that the decision taken by the central government to conduct the auction process for these mines should be immediately withdrawn and coal mines should be allocated directly to Singareni regardless of the auction process. He accused the central government of carrying out Singareni privatisation conspiracies with the malicious intention of hitting Telangana.
Puvvada urges to remove BJP and save Singareni in a call to action.
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