Congress candidate for Karimnagar Assembly, Purumalla Srinivas, has warned Minister Gangula Kamalakar that the party workers will not tolerate any illegal cases being filed against them. He stated that the Minister will face consequences for his actions. Srinivas expressed his gratitude to the party leadership for nominating him as a Congress candidate and assured that he will campaign inclusively to raise the Congress flag in Karimnagar.
Srinivas mentioned that he has faced opposition in his rise from an activist to an MLA candidate. He claimed that some individuals filed 20-25 cases against him and kept his family away for 72 days. He specifically accused Kamalakar of filing cases along with SC and ST cases and stated that the Minister will soon face the consequences.
Srinivas also accused Kamalakar and his followers of involvement in sand, land, mining, granite mafia, and land grabbing. He claimed that the people will decide the fate of Kamalakar on November 30 and criticized the Minister for spreading negative propaganda comparing him to a mafia.