Indian cricket star Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma surprised fans in Bengaluru by playing a friendly game of mixed doubles badminton against two residents from a premium residential society. The event, which was unannounced, was part of PUMA India’s Let There Be Sport movement, which aims to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to integrate sports and fitness into their daily lives. The initiative challenges the conventional mindset that sports are a digression from academics.
During the event, Virat and Anushka interacted with employees at a co-working space and explained the benefits of prioritizing physical activity in everyday life before engaging them in fun fitness challenges. The Let There Be Sport campaign has already held a conclave featuring brand ambassadors Virat, MC Mary Kom, Sunil Chhetri, Avani Lekhara, and Bhagwani Devi, who shared inspirational stories from their respective journeys.
PUMA India’s managing director, Abhishek Ganguly, said the campaign was aimed at creating a purpose-driven platform to further the development of sports and fitness culture in India. Virat said that sports should be an integral part of everyone’s life and expressed his hope that the event would motivate and inspire people to take up sports and fitness as a life skill. Anushka added that equal importance should be given to sports in schools and colleges because pursuing sports at a young age will keep you fit in the long run.
The Let There Be Sport campaign aims to motivate people to take up sports and physical activities and to transcend socio-economic and gender barriers to unite people on a single platform.