On Wednesday, District Collector Badavath Santosh and District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath inaugurated the Public Administration Service Center. The center is located in Room G32, opposite the meeting hall at the Nagar Kurnool Collectorate.
The Collector explained that the center was set up to help people from different regions with public administration issues. He said that the district administration wants to make sure everyone can access government welfare schemes through this initiative. The Public Administration Service Center is in an integrated district office complex for the convenience of the people.
Public Administration Service Centers are already available in MPDO offices in municipal towns and all mandal centers. The new center at the Collectorate will help those visiting the IDOC (Collectorate) for various tasks and to submit grievances. The Collector mentioned that steps are being taken to provide schemes like subsidized gas cylinders and 200 units of free electricity to eligible families. People who haven’t received these benefits can visit the center to fix any problems.
The center at the Collectorate will be open from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM on government working days. The Collector encouraged the public to use the center. Applicants needing data correction should bring their ration card, Aadhaar card, electricity service connection number, gas connection number, LPG customer ID, and mobile number.