On Tuesday, IT and MAUD Minister KT Rama Rao opened a new skywalk tower in Hyderabad. The tower was built by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) for pedestrians to cross the busy Uppal Crossroads. The skywalk cost Rs.36.50 crore to build and is 665 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 6 meters high. It has eight access points, including lifts, escalators, and stairs. The skywalk connects bus stops and the metro station, making it easier for pedestrians to move around the area.
In addition to opening the skywalk, the minister also inaugurated the Convention Center constructed at Shilparamam in Uppal Bagayat. Many other officials participated in the programme, including Minister Malla Reddy, MLA Bethi Subhash Reddy, former mayor of GHMC Bonthu Rammohan, and corporators.