The Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day on Monday due to protests by the opposition. They have been demanding a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament regarding the Manipur issue. During the session, the Cinematograph Amendment Bill, 2023 was passed to combat film piracy. The bill includes provisions for a jail term of up to three years and a fine of up to five percent of the production cost for those involved in making pirated copies of films. It also introduces new age-based certifications under the ‘UA’ category and allows the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) to give separate certificates for television or other media exhibition.
Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur stated that the film industry loses Rs 20,000 crore annually due to piracy. The bill aims to stop this loss and address the industry’s demands. Thakur compared film piracy to cancer and emphasized that the bill aims to eradicate it. He also mentioned that the CBFC certificates will be valid perpetually after the bill becomes law. The bill also allows for a change in a film’s category and its conversion to ‘UA’ certification for television broadcast. To prevent unauthorized recording and exhibition of films, new sections are introduced in the Cinematograph Act.
During the session, Speaker Om Birla announced the presence of a parliamentary delegation from Malawi and welcomed them. However, the opposition members demanded a statement from the prime minister on the Manipur violence and protested by showing placards and raising slogans against the government. Despite their protests, the scheduled Question Hour proceeded with discussions on education and finance ministries’ questions.
As the protests continued, the speaker urged the opposition members to return to their seats and participate in the proceedings. When his pleas were ignored, he adjourned the House until 2 pm. The Manipur violence has been a prominent topic of discussion in both Houses of Parliament since the Monsoon session began on July 20. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Union Home Minister Amit Shah expressed readiness for a debate on the issue, but the opposition insisted on a statement from Prime Minister Modi. In response, the opposition moved a no-confidence motion against the government.
The Monsoon session started a day after a video of two women being paraded naked by a mob in Manipur went viral, causing national outrage. The Manipur Police has arrested several individuals seen in the video. On July 27, the government decided to transfer the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and requested that the trial be conducted outside the state.