Residents who lost their belongings in the recent floods in Bhupalpally staged a protest on the Warangal-Bhupalpally Highway near Moranchapally village. The flood victims were led by Mekala Suman Maharaj, the coordinator of the Dharma Samaj Party (DSP) in Warangal district. They demanded compensation for their losses and criticized the district collector for being negligent during the flood threat.
Suman Maharaj criticized Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for making a political trip to Maharashtra while the state was still recovering from the floods. He also called for the resignation of ministers representing the former Warangal district for failing to provide relief to the flood victims.
The protesters demanded that each family in Moranchapally village who lost their assets and cattle in the floods be given Rs 1 lakh in compensation. They also asked for duplicates of certificates to be provided to the youth who lost them in the floods. The protest caused a halt in vehicular movement on the highway.
The villagers ended their protest after Additional Collector K Venkateshwarlu promised to bring the issue to the attention of the government.