Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Gujarat on Friday, May 12. He will launch and lay the foundation stone for several projects worth over Rs 4,400 crore in Gandhinagar. He will attend the All India Education Association convention at around 10.30 a.m. and then inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects totaling Rs 4400 crore at 12 p.m. He will also visit Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City) to review various ongoing projects and interact with GIFT IFSC entities. He will also visit significant infrastructure facilities of the city, including the Underground Utility Tunnel and the Automated Waste Collection Segregation Plant.
During his visit, PM Modi will hand over keys to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) participants. He will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of PMAY (rural and urban) projects, as well as participate in the housewarming of approximately 19,000 houses built under the scheme. The total cost of these projects is anticipated to be Rs 1950 crore.
In Gandhinagar, he will also inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for development projects worth over Rs 2450 crore. These include projects of the Urban Development Department, Water Supply Department, Road and Transport Department and Mines and Minerals Department.