Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver his 10th consecutive Independence Day address on Tuesday. This will also be his last before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The annual event is highly anticipated as the Prime Minister has used it to present his government’s report card, announce flagship schemes, and share his vision for the country.
In his speech, the Prime Minister may talk about the progress made in various sectors since 2014 and outline his vision for the future. He has done this in previous addresses as well.
Experts will also be looking for any political messages in the speech. While PM Modi has usually avoided directly attacking opposition parties in his Independence Day addresses, he has emphasized the governance changes brought about by his government after a period of corruption and policy paralysis.
Key themes in PM Modi’s speeches have been India’s rising global stature, the country’s development journey, and the increasing self-confidence of its population. His speeches have also highlighted India’s firm security and foreign policy doctrines guided solely by national interest.
Since his first Independence Day speech in 2014, PM Modi has made significant announcements and addressed various issues such as crimes against women and social conflicts. He has sought to engage with citizens on these matters.
Overall, there is much anticipation for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence Day address, as it will provide insights into his government’s achievements, future plans, and the direction he envisions for the country.