The BJP is focusing on the southern states for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. They hope to win the majority of MP seats in the south, so they have decided to field Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Telangana. This decision is based on the success they had when Modi contested from Varanasi in the last general election, which led to BJP winning the most MP seats in Uttar Pradesh.
The party leaders are following the same strategy in Telangana and have proposed this idea to Modi. They aim to win at least 12 out of the 17 MP constituencies in the state. In the previous election, BJP did not perform well in the southern states, and senior leaders faced defeat in the Telangana Assembly elections.
After failing to retain power in the Karnataka assembly elections earlier this year, the party is focusing on these two states for the parliamentary elections. It is likely that Prime Minister Modi will contest from either Secunderabad or Malkajigiri Lok Sabha constituency in Telangana. A final decision will be made in the upcoming BJP Parliamentary Committee meeting.