On Monday, President Draupadi Murmu released a Rs. 100 commemorative coin with the image of late Chief Minister and founder of TDP, Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, on the occasion of his centenary birth anniversary. The event took place at the Cultural Center in Rashtrapati Bhavan. President Murmu paid tribute to NTR for his contributions to the Indian film industry and his unique approach to politics. NTR’s family, including TDP chief Chandrababu, attended the event.
President Murmu acknowledged NTR’s significant role in the progress of the Indian film industry. She mentioned that his portrayal of characters like Krishna and Rama left an indelible mark on people, with many seeing him as a god-like figure. She also highlighted NTR’s unique approach to politics, where he worked hard for social justice and aimed to uplift the poor.
In addition to releasing the commemorative coin, President Murmu also spoke about NTR’s legacy and his impact on both the film industry and politics. The event was attended by members of NTR’s family, including TDP chief Chandrababu.