Hyderabad hosted a grand spiritual celebration as President Droupadi Murmu attended the Koti Deepotsavam as the chief guest. This event, organized by Bhakti TV, attracted thousands of devotees who gathered to witness the stunning lighting of a crore lamps.
President Murmu was accompanied by Telangana Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan and Union Minister Kishan Reddy. Several prominent state leaders, including Minister Seethakka, were also part of the festivities. The event showcased Telangana’s rich cultural and spiritual traditions.
As part of the celebrations, President Murmu offered special prayers to Lord Jagannath. She also presented silk robes to the presiding deity of Yadagirigutta Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy. Her presence added a unique charm to the Deepotsavam, making it an unforgettable evening for the devotees.
The Koti Deepotsavam, a spiritual event symbolizing devotion and unity, remains an important occasion in Hyderabad. It continues to attract participants from all over the country, strengthening the spirit of togetherness.