Hyderabad’s popular annual event, Numaish, is set to return for its 83rd season at the Exhibition Grounds in Nampally. The expo will be open from January 1, 2024, to February 15, 2024. It is a 46-day-long event where traders from all over the country showcase their region-specific items.
Numaish, also known as the All India Industrial Exhibition, has been a yearly event for over eight decades. It attracts a large number of visitors who come to buy clothes, food, accessories, and home essentials from stalls set up by traders from across the country.
Vanam Satyender, the vice president of the All India Industrial Exhibition Society, mentioned that the exhibition has received a tremendous response from traders. The society is encouraging newcomers and start-ups to participate in the event, which lasts for 46 days.
This year, the society received more than 3,500 applications from traders, but only 2,500 stalls have been allotted. These stalls will feature various commercial and industrial products, clothes from different states, arts and crafts, handloom items, food stalls, adventure activities, fun games, and cultural programs.
The society expects around 2.5 million visitors this year and has made arrangements to ensure easy access for them. Last year, over 2.3 million people attended Numaish. The event offers entertainment and shopping opportunities, attracting people who spend their entire day exploring the venue.
Famous brands like Pista House and Chat Junctions will have their stalls at the event. Vendors and artisans from various states such as Rajasthan, Kashmir, Lucknow, Delhi, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra will be selling clothes, food, handicrafts, and other items.
Numaish is a popular venue for recreation, relaxation, shopping, and entertainment for people in Hyderabad and Telangana. Visitors come back year after year for the unique experience it offers.
The organizers have made several improvements to the exhibition grounds, including better walkways and extended pathways for wheelchair users, women, and senior citizens. Safety is a top priority, with fire fighting infrastructure worth Rs 3 crore in place to prevent any untoward incidents.
Numaish-e-Masnuaat-e-Mulki, or Numaish, started in 1938 to promote industrial development in Hyderabad. It began as a way to showcase products from small and medium-scale industries within the country. Over the years, it has grown and celebrated various milestones, including silver, golden, diamond, and platinum jubilees.