The TS EAMCET exam was held in Hyderabad from May 10 to 14, and the results are expected to be declared by the end of May. A total of 3,20,683 candidates were allotted different centers in Telugu States, with 94.11% of them appearing for the exam. The exam was conducted in two streams, with the AM stream held on May 10 and 11, and the engineering stream on May 12, 13, and 14.
Engineering stream candidates can download their response sheets from the official website. They can also raise objections on the preliminary key from May 15 to May 17. The objections will be scrutinized by experts, following which the final key will be released. Due to the process of normalisation of tests conducted in multiple sessions, the results are likely to be released by May-end. The JNTU, Hyderabad will announce the TS EAMCET 2023 results on its official website, and candidates can check their results by entering their hall ticket number.
The TS EAMCET 2023 results are important for candidates who want to pursue undergraduate courses in engineering, agriculture, and medical streams in Telangana. The counseling process for admission to various courses will commence after the declaration of results. Once declared, the results of TS EAMCET 2023 will be released on the official website of the test.