Two married Hindu women and their two children, a two-year-old girl and six-year-old boy, are missing from their home in Karachi, Pakistan. The women are from a well-known business family in the city. They were last seen on April 11 while out shopping in the Khamisa area near Gabol police station. The family reported them missing with fears that they may have been kidnapped. However, they have not received any ransom calls yet.
The family met with police officers at IGP Sindh’s Karachi headquarters on April 12, along with Pakistan Darawer Ittehad chairman Faqeer Shiva Kachhi. They were promised full police cooperation. Similar incidents have occurred in Pakistan in the past, where Hindu women and girls were abducted and forcefully converted. On March 15, social activists protested against forced conversions and abductions of girls from minority communities.