Film actor and YCP leader Posani Krishna Murali praised Chief Minister KCR for taking care of the people of Seemandhra in Telangana. He believes that all the people of AP and Telangana are like brothers and sisters. Posani commended the development that has been happening under KCR’s leadership, comparing Hyderabad’s growth to that of New York in a short period of time.
Posani also spoke highly of Mission Bhagiratha, stating that no Prime Minister, from Nehru till today, has implemented such a great program. He emphasized that drinking water is now easily accessible throughout the state. As for the corruption allegations against the Kaleswaram project, Posani mentioned that no evidence of corruption has been proven.
Posani raised concerns about the Madi Gadda barrage, questioning what would happen to the villages if one pillar were to collapse. He also pointed out the positive impact of water availability on ponds and green crop fields across the state.
Regarding settler care, Posani believes that KCR is treating them like his own children. He urged Seemandhras in Telangana to prioritize unity over caste and consider who is protecting them. Lastly, he encouraged everyone to vote for BRS and re-elect KCR as Chief Minister.