Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and co-in-charge for Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, has responded sharply to recent remarks made by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Reddy accused Gandhi of being motivated by jealousy and political tactics in his criticisms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and industrialist Gautam Adani.
According to Reddy, Rahul Gandhi’s statements are an attempt to divert attention from Congress’s poor performance in the recent Maharashtra and Jharkhand assembly elections. He argued that the Congress party should instead focus on tackling corruption in the states it governs.
Reddy further alleged that Gandhi’s comments might be influenced by some kind of agreement between the Congress party and China. He claimed that Gandhi’s inability to accept Modi’s widespread popularity, both in India and internationally, is the driving force behind his critical remarks.
On the topic of Modi’s alleged connection with Adani, Reddy dismissed the accusations, stating that any wrongdoing would be dealt with through legal channels. He emphasized that linking Modi to Adani is baseless and part of a larger conspiracy. He also referred to the Congress party as the “Indian Commercial Congress” to underline his criticism.
Reddy pointed out the apparent contradiction in Congress’s stance, stating that while Congress leaders in different states welcome Adani’s investments, Rahul Gandhi continues to criticize the industrialist. He added that Adani’s company has already addressed the concerns raised against it, suggesting that Gandhi’s allegations lack substance.