The BRS party has suspended former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy and former minister Jupally Krishna Rao from the party for alleged anti-party activities, leading to speculations that both leaders may join BJP. This decision came after Krishna Rao joined Srinivas Reddy, who had already raised the banner of revolt against the leadership. The Congress party is also considering roping them into the party.
Srinivas Reddy accused BRS of not fulfilling its promises to people and employees, and said that TRS leadership had made many promises but failed to fulfill them. He also claimed that party MPs used to tell him in Delhi that he would see the real side of KCR after six months but KCR started sidelining him after five months itself. He predicted that BRS would lose all 10 assembly seats in the district this time.
Krishna Rao had resigned from the Congress to join TRS in 2011. He felt sidelined in the party after MLA Harshvardhan Reddy defeated him in Kollapur constituency in Mahbubnagar district in 2018, and raised a banner of revolt after he was not even invited for the January 18 public meeting organized by BRS in Khammam.
State Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy and other BRS leaders said the party cannot accept if some individuals try to hurt the organization because what they wanted did not happen. It cannot be tolerated if any leaders behave as if they are above the party, he said while referring to the suspension of the two leaders.