In Hyderabad, Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy challenged the claims made by BRS leaders based on information provided by officials from the previous government. He spoke at a press conference at Rajiv Gandhi grounds in Tukkuguda during a Congress party public meeting.
Ponguleti and IT Minister D Sridhar Babu questioned why BRS leaders, including former CM K Chandrashekar Rao, were making misleading statements when the State had experienced significantly low rainfall during their tenure. The Minister highlighted that the State had seen a 56% decrease in rainfall during the last monsoon, leading to water shortages in 16% of reservoirs.
He also criticized the effectiveness of the ‘Mission Bhagiratha’, which despite a large budget allocation of Rs 45,000 crores by the previous government, failed to provide water to villages. Ponguleti accused the BRS of leading the State into debt and making false promises to win elections.
Regarding the phone-tapping controversy, Ponguleti claimed that BRS leaders had tapped phones of top officials, including his own. He alleged that even his staff and driver had been targeted for phone tapping.