Congress leaders from Telangana went on a trip to Cochin after the Lok Sabha Phase-IV polls ended on May 13. Revenue minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, along with other legislators and party members, flew to Cochin from Shamshabad Airport. The flight was delayed due to a technical issue but eventually took off after an hour.
A video and pictures of the trip were shared on social media, sparking discussions about the possibility of former MLA Pilot Rohit Reddy joining the Congress. Rohit Reddy was previously involved in an MLA poaching case in 2022, where BJP leaders allegedly tried to lure BRS MLAs, gaining national media attention.
The trip to Cochin with Khammam MLAs and Congress Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy was documented on social media, further fueling speculation about political alliances and future moves.