In Hyderabad, the temperature has reached 43 degrees Celsius, making campaigning for Lok Sabha elections a tough challenge for candidates and political leaders. Despite the extreme heat, candidates are using gamchas and towels during their rallies to reach out to voters. They are sweating and getting tans as they work hard to connect with the public.
Due to tough competition, candidates are fully engaged in campaigning. They start early in the morning to avoid the noon heat, and continue their padayatra in the evening with corner meetings and public gatherings. The scorching summer heat wave has led the Indian Meteorological Department to advise citizens not to go out between 11 am and 3 pm.
AIMIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi and other leaders have been seen using gamchas and towels during their campaign for party chief Asaduddin Owaisi. Asad Owaisi’s sherwani even gets wet from the heat during rallies. Leaders are distributing caps and water bottles to protect workers from the extreme temperatures.
Candidates like BJP’s Madhavi Latha and Congress’s Danam Nagender have been seen sweating profusely during their campaigns, wearing caps and using towels to stay cool. The sweltering heat is making it difficult for candidates to campaign during the day, leading them to campaign at night as well.
The high humidity and soaring temperatures are not only affecting candidates but also the public attending rallies and meetings. Even in the evenings, people are sweating and feeling frustrated. On Friday, Jubilee Hills recorded the highest temperature of 43 degrees Celsius under GHMC limits.