The spirit of celebration engulfed Telangana as political leaders, including Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar and former MLA Choulapalli Pratap Reddy, came together to extend warm birthday wishes to Sonia Gandhi, the prominent Congress leader. The joyous occasion saw a gathering of political figures at the birthday celebration organized at the Kothur mandal center.
Former Shadnagar MLA Choulapalli Pratap Reddy expressed the jubilation of people across the state over the triumph of the Congress party. Pratap Reddy stated, “Sonia Gandhi, who played a pivotal role in the formation of Telangana state, holds a special place in the hearts of Telangana people. The victory of the Congress party in the assembly elections is a token of the people repaying their debt to her.”
On the occasion of Sonia Gandhi’s birthday, the leaders participated in cake-cutting ceremonies and conveyed birthday wishes. MLA Veerlapalli Shankar highlighted the initiatives undertaken by the Congress party, including free travel for women in RTC buses and the provision of free medical facilities of Rs. 10 lakh through Rajiv Arogyashri for the underprivileged.
Former MLA Choulapalli Pratap Reddy emphasized that the Congress party remains dedicated to the welfare of the people, steering clear of corruption. He expressed confidence in the continuation of a popular democratic rule in Telangana, echoing the legacy of Indiramma Rajya in the state.
The birthday celebration drew the participation of various political figures, including former Kothur MPP Siva Shankar Goud, former Sarpanch Sudarshan Goud, and Mandal Presidents Haranath Reddy and Janga Narsimlu. Congress party leaders and workers united in extending their heartfelt wishes to Sonia Gandhi, hoping for her continued good health and a life full of blessings.