Opposition party leaders from Congress and BJP have accused the police of being biased and targeting their workers. They have requested the Election Commission (EC) to take preventive measures. BJP candidate Raja Singh, who is contesting from Goshamahal, met with Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj and submitted a petition asking for steps to be taken to prevent any wrongdoing. Singh also claimed that some police officials were filing false cases against BJP leaders and activists. He emphasized the importance of having CCTV, police, and Central Forces at every polling station and ensuring that everyone entering the booth shows their ID card. Singh further alleged that MIM and BRS members were causing trouble in Goshamahal.
In a separate incident, Congress candidate Anjan Kumar Yadav, who is contesting from Musheerabad, accused the Chikkadpally ACP of supporting the BRS. Yadav questioned the ACP’s involvement in the elections and suggested that if the ACP was related to MLA Mutha Gopal, they should go home and have dinner instead. Yadav also criticized the ACP for advertising mistakes in his nomination, stating that it was the responsibility of the Returning Officer to verify any errors.