The Telangana State Director General of Police, Anjani Kumar, has instructed that all arrangements should be made to train the 14,881 newly recruited police constables in the State’s 28 police training centers. During a video conference with the principals of these training colleges, DGP Anjani Kumar emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and security in the State. In 2018, 11,023 police constables and sub-inspectors were appointed, and in 2020, an additional 16,282 were appointed. The training programs for the new recruits will be conducted in September and October.
Anjani Kumar highlighted that Telangana is the only State in the country that reserves 33% of police appointments for women. The police academy in Hyderabad is known for its high-quality training materials. The DGP also provided details on the allocation of trainees to various training centers, with the Telangana Police Academy having 653 trainees and PTC Amberpet having 650 trainees, among others.
To ensure the smooth running of the training programs, Anjani Kumar instructed officials to prepare all necessary facilities, including infrastructure, training materials, accommodation, and other requirements. Funds have been allocated for repairs and improvements to buildings, such as white wash and toilet facilities. Special arrangements will be made for the training of female constables, and efforts are being made to fill vacancies in police training colleges.
DGP Anjani Kumar emphasized that providing high-quality training to new recruits is crucial as it will influence their service to society for the next 30 to 35 years. He urged PTC principals to be role models for their officers and staff, highlighting that good training plays a significant role in serving society effectively.