In Hyderabad, victims reported a cyber crime to the police, preventing the transfer of Rs 28.07 lakh from four victims. The cyber crime police achieved a significant victory in their fight against cyber fraud. They saved Rs 1.75 lakh in a case related to APK-based KYC fraud after receiving a complaint through the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP). The police worked with the victim’s Union Bank of India to block the transaction.
In another case, the police stopped a transaction of Rs 4.73 lakh linked to Mumbai police fraud from the victim’s ICICI Bank. They also prevented a transaction of Rs 20.08 lakh related to Mumbai police fraud. Additionally, the team blocked a transaction in multiple accounts totaling Rs 1.50 lakh in HDFC and Indian Overseas Bank that belonged to a fraudster. In total, the four victims lost Rs 37,32,900, but Rs 28,07,085 was frozen in the fraudsters’ bank accounts by the NCRP team.
DCP Cybercrimes, D Kavitha, stated that prompt action by the police led to withholding Rs 28.07 lakh belonging to the victims, which will be refunded to them after legal formalities. The cyber crime police advised the public to report cyber financial fraud matters immediately by calling the cyber crime helpline number 1930, contacting the nearest police station, or visiting the NCRP website