The Hyderabad city police are investigating allegations of sabotage and theft of files and property in the offices of several former ministers after the BRS party lost power. The Nampally police visited the Animal Husbandry Department OSD office to inquire about the missing files. The police will question the director of the animal husbandry department and the OSD, Kalyan, and record their statements. Cases have also been registered for missing furniture in the offices of former minister Srinivas Goud and a missing cupboard in the office of former education minister Sabita Indra Reddy. Three cases have been registered at Saifabad, Narayanguda, and Abids police stations. On Saturday, a case was booked against the OSD and others for alleged theft and damage of files. Osmania University students stopped a vehicle carrying furniture from the office of former Minister Srinivas Goud, and some individuals stopped an auto rickshaw carrying property from the office of former education minister P Sabita Indra Reddy. Another case was registered at the Narayanguda police station after some files were burnt in a fire at the Tourism Department office.
Police still investigating sabotage of files from offices
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