A 21-year-old student named Danawat Karthik Naik has gone missing from IIT Hyderabad. He left the campus on July 17 and hasn’t returned. His worried parents went to the campus on July 19 when they realized his phone was turned off. Since he wasn’t there, they filed a complaint with the police. It was discovered that Karthik had gone to Visakhapatnam based on his phone signal.
Karthik, who is from Miryalaguda in Nalgonda district, is studying at IIT Hyderabad. On July 17, he left college and went to Secunderabad railway station. From there, he took the Janmabhoomi Express train to Visakhapatnam. A look out notice has been issued against him in Visakhapatnam, but despite searching the entire Beach Road area for three days, his whereabouts remain unknown.
Based on CCTV footage, it was found that Karthik used his phone to make a purchase at a bakery. It seems that he disappears before his phone signals can be traced, even if his phone is turned off.
The reasons for Karthik’s visit to Visakhapatnam, his activities there, the on-and-off status of his phone, and why his parents haven’t been informed yet are all unknown. His disappearance has become a mystery.