Police in Hyderabad have increased security measures near all multiplexes and theatres screening the movie ‘The Kerala Story.’ The film has sparked controversy due to its alleged communal content, and there were concerns that miscreants may try to cause trouble during screenings. Police have deployed adequate personnel, including women staff, PCR, and traffic personnel, especially in areas with a mixed population. Theatre owners reported average bookings for the film despite the intense media attention.
It’s important to remember that viewers are watching a fictional movie. Police have instructed theatres to be vigilant for any offensive materials and to provide security and respond quickly to any incidents that may escalate into violence.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the film for exposing the truth about terrorism and its ugly designs during a rally in Karnataka on Friday. The movie stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani, and Sonia Balani in lead roles and is directed by Sudipto Sen. The film has come under fire for claiming that 32,000 girls from the State went missing and later joined the terrorist group, ISIS.