The Hyderabad police, along with the Central forces, conducted a flag-march in sensitive areas of the city to ensure safety during the upcoming elections. The march was held in all zones under the supervision of Commissioner Sandeep Shandilya. The purpose of the march was to make the public feel safe and confident, and to let them know that the police are there for them.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police, South-West zone, along with the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF), conducted a flag-march in Shahinayatgunjpolice limits. At the same time, the City police conducted flag-marches in areas of Falaknuma, Bandlaguda, Jubilee Hills, Musheerabad, and various other areas to raise awareness and prevent any unwanted incidents during the elections. Shandilya emphasized that the police want to send a message to the public that they are there to support them.
It is important for people not to believe rumors and to inform the police about any election malpractice. 3,000 Central force personnel have arrived in Telangana to assist the State police with election duties. The Election Commission has directed the Telangana police to work together with the Central forces in sensitive areas, especially during vehicle checks for cash seizures. The EC has instructed the police to involve the Central forces in cash seizures as part of the ongoing model code of conduct.