In Hyderabad, the Cyberabad IT Cell and Social team recovered 60 mobile phones using the CEIR portal. The phones were returned to their owners at the Cyberabad Commissionerate by DCP Crimes K Narasimha. The CEIR portal, created by the Department of Telecommunications, helps prevent mobile theft and counterfeit devices. It was launched nationwide on May 17, 2023, and started in Telangana on April 19, 2023.
DCP Narasimha recommends reporting lost phones on the NCRP portal, CEIR portal, or by calling the 1930 National Helpline available in all States and Union Territories. He commended IT Cell Inspectors Jagadeeshwar, Anjaneyulu, SI Roopa, and the IT Cell team for their successful recovery efforts. The owners of the returned phones expressed their happiness and gratitude for getting their devices back.