The Telangana government and Cyberabad police are cracking down on the use of drugs and narcotics among young people. Recently, the Drug Disposal Committee of the Cyberabad Police destroyed over 5,000 kgs of narcotic drugs at a facility in Rangareddy district.
These drugs were confiscated in 122 cases across five zones within the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate limits over the past three years. The types of narcotic drugs destroyed included ganja, hashish oil, cocaine, charas, mephedrone, ecstasy tablets, LSD, heroin, methamphetamine, liquid opium, gel ganja, and chocolate weed.
The Drug Disposal Committee is led by DCP Crimes K Narasimha and includes other officers like ACP cyber crimes Ravinder Reddy and Narcotics Inspector Shivaprasad. This initiative is a part of the efforts to combat drug abuse in the region.