The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police held an awareness session at FIITJEE College, Saifabad to educate the public about cybercrime and how to protect themselves. The session focused on social networking security, electronic payments security, investment scams, and law enforcement perspectives. Participants learned about secure password management, recognizing phishing attempts, and safeguarding personal information online. They were also educated on electronic payment security and how to protect themselves from fraud. The session included discussions on common types of investment frauds and ways to avoid falling victim to them. Representatives from the Cyber Crime Police Station of Hyderabad City Police shared insights into current cyber threats and the role of law enforcement in combating online criminal activities. The police emphasized the importance of community collaboration in addressing cyber threats and plan to hold future sessions and workshops to address emerging challenges in cybercrime.
‘Police Host ‘Cyber Jagrookta Diwas’ Event’
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