The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force West Zone team has caught two people who were selling drugs in multiple states. The offenders, Sureleela Naveen Sai and Borra Veera Sai Teja, both 25 years old, were found with MDMA, brown sugar, and cocaine. The police confiscated 100 grams of MDMA, 29 sachets of brown sugar, and two grams of cocaine, worth Rs 7.5 lakh.
According to the police, Sureleela Naveen Sai was addicted to drugs and was facing problems with private lenders. To pay off his debts, he teamed up with Borra Veera Said Teja and decided to sell drugs to people in Hyderabad. They thought it would be an easy way to make money.
Naveen Sai got in touch with a drug dealer from Delhi. He bought MDMA for Rs 2,000 per gram in Delhi and sold it in Hyderabad for Rs 6,000-8,000 per gram. He also bought cocaine for Rs 10,000 per gram and sold it for Rs 17,000 per gram to customers in need. He purchased brown sugar for Rs 5,000 and sold it for Rs 10,000 in the city. On December 12, the accused went to Delhi to buy MDMA, cocaine, and brown sugar to sell during the New Year celebrations in Hyderabad.